Walking into the Story of Trojan Horse Massacre - Archaeological Site of Troy, Turkey |旅淘GreaterGo

Hong Kong, China
By GreaterGo Editor
22 Dec 2022

Walking into the Story of Trojan Horse Massacre - Archaeological Site of Troy, Turkey |旅淘GreaterGo

Troy, an ancient city located in today’s northwestern Turkey, was seized by Spartan and Achaean warriors from Greece in the 13th or 12th century B.C. This historical fact was immortalized by Homer in the Iliad, which has served as an inspiration to artistic creations ever since. In the Greek myth, Paris, a prince of Troy, took the beautiful Helen of Sparta from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta. The furious king then allied with other city-states in Greece to declare war on Troy. In order to attack the heavily fortified Troy, Odysseus thought of a subterfuge later known as “the Trojan horse”. A select force of Greek men hid inside an enormous wooden horse, and let the Trojans pull it into their city as a victory trophy. When night fell, the hidden Greek men crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army. It was the night when Troy was conquered.


Based on the excavation discoveries from the famous German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, there is a historical core to the ancient city and the war, which most scholars now accept. Whether the war was waged for the beautiful Helen is still open to imagination. The majestic city walls in the old days were reduced to ruins today. Yet, it is one of the world’s most well-known archaeological sites for its 4,000 years of history. The site is close to the coastal city Canakkale. It would make a fantastic Turkish night there after visiting the historical heritage.

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